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Thursday, August 13, 2015

In My Client's Words

Haven't posted anything for a while. The reason is that I was busy, busy... Well, less time spent blogging, more time spent with my clients. I think they are all for it! Here's what one of them had to say:
"By doing this program I realized that I’d gone into a passive mode the last two years of my life and that I was operating on a lower level compared to what I can do and would like to do.
"I realized the nature of the situation I was in, why I got into it and I "woke up." I’m definitely in a higher state of awareness now.
"I’ve deepened my understanding of myself, of man’s psyche in general and of communication, which is something I love. Through this I’ve become a better and more effective communicator and leader.
"I now know what the best condition is for me to function in and which are the steps that will get me there.
"I also made a personal personal breakthrough when I realized the difference between who I am for others and who I really am.
"The guilt and disappointment associated with earlier upsets have been replaced by a sense of completeness and peace with the past now serving as a reference point for the future."

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